Sunday, November 24, 2013

A win-lose proposition for every Christian.

c0 votive candlesAmong the most difficult things about being a conscientious Christian is that you experience the same level of frustration as everyone else, but you’re constrained in how you respond to it. You’re always under a microscope, always being evaluated, and since none of us are perfect, we're considered hypocritical when we fall short of our own expectations.

It’s a win-lose proposition and every Christian knows that going in.

I sometimes wish I could say my behavior is my business not yours and to hell with the world, but I can't.

I renew my agreement every day with God to make a difference. That doesn't mean I don't get angry and frustrated, it just means I try to respond differently, and hopefully differently enough and often enough that it becomes a habit, and others see a difference and respond likewise around me.

I can hear it now: “Poor Clarence, people are holding you to higher a standard, wah wah wah, sucks to be you.”

The whining is part of the the deal, too.





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