Friday, November 1, 2013

Reasons for some, excuses for others.

c0 A Roman road still in use today in Great BritainConventional wisdom usually finds a home in clichés, as, for example; “All roads lead to Rome,” or “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” which tell us our destinations share some quality we’re all seeking, but we approach it in different ways.

I’ve read numerous stories regarding Christians who’ve been drawn to the church by Mary, and so she retains a special place in their hearts.

I’ve also seen just as many who’ve been drawn to independent Protestantism because it avoids centralized hierarchy and political leadership.

I’ve seen Christians drawn to church because it's loud and boisterous.

I've seen them leave for the same reason.

I’ve seen them come and go because they sprinkle or dunk or don’t, use wine or grape juice or don’t, pray too long or too short, sing too much or not enough, are too gray, too young, too lenient, too demanding.

Reasons for some, excuses for others.



If you find Jesus, stay there. You may find some interesting things along the way that others missed because they took a different road.

And that doesn’t mean all roads lead to God; but saying some roads don’t is not the same as saying only one road does.




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