Friday, February 14, 2014

A catalog of preserved nonconformities (plus a Jesus palmface).

c0 A dried fruit platter
Ever notice how aging wealthy folks are sometimes a catalog of preserved nonconformities? Like scarabs in amber, leaves between ironed wax paper, or dried fruits.

Wealth and poverty come to all alike, but wealth allows those inflicted by it to make repeated and increasingly heroic attempts to preserve what age takes from us and money can’t replace.

There’s a healthy glow that lingers in the aged that spent a life doing hard work. Lines carved by children or tools or students or numbers or words are different than those from, well, not from those things.

Were the rich not rich, they’d be the sort we might pity.



c0 Jesus palmface - Oy Vey, there they go again
This is my body?

I can imagine getting to heaven and Jesus saying “Guys, guys, guys, you totally misunderstood. How can you possibly think I’m really in a piece of bread? Oy vey, where'd I go wrong.”

However, as much as I can see it, the bible doesn't really leave that option open. (This is my body. Well, not really, but sort of…> )



I had a conversation recently with my son Charlie who had attended an evangelical megachurch sometime back and heard a sermon on how one discerns prophecy (hearing it from someone else or receiving it yourself).

He said it was really complicated, lots of rules.

I said if it’s complicated, it didn’t come from God. I didn’t mean that there’s no place for deep theological discussions and interesting differences, but that expectations expressed by Jesus are very simple.

I add this here because of what I wrote above on Feb 6. If Jesus said what John said Jesus said, then he really is in the bread, physically and literally. Is that hard to believe? Maybe so. But we don’t shy away from other incredible claims in the bible, why this one?

Unlike many religious traditions, there is no secret or hidden knowledge in Christianity. The deepest understanding is open the simplest minds.

And that’s good, because mine is very simple.



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