Thursday, December 11, 2014

If you were having Jesus over for dinner, would you invite me?

c0 Homeless Thanksgiving, 1950s
Homeless Thanksgiving, 1950s, from the USC Libraries, Los Angeles Examiner Collection. Source >
I heard one of the EWTN Patricks (Madrid or Coffin, I don't recall) say that going forward to receive the Eucharist but asking only for a blessing (which is done by crossing your arms over your chest) is probably not a good idea. It's not wrong, just not the best use of the occasion.

I think I know where he was coming from, but it took me a while to reason it out. A blessing received in this fashion is not a substitute for communion, but it might feel like one, and encourage those out of communion to use it as a substitute (as one might replace square meals with vitamins). He didn't say this; I'm presuming.

I often put new information in a context I understand better, like this: If you were in a Baptist church on Communion Sunday, it's entirely possible you could hear something like this:

"Dear brother or sister, if you're here this morning and there's something between you and another brother or sister, or you've fallen away from the Lord, don't sit at the Lord's Table until you get right with God."

And that despite the fact most Baptist assign no grace or forgiveness to communion. But they do take it very seriously, and the onus is very sincere.

I know there are important protocols for important observances, but even so I struggle.

If you had Jesus over for Sunday dinner, wouldn't you also invite anyone who wanted to come, if we all had a good appetite and minded our manners?



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